Community Resources

This is the banner photo for the USGA website and Facebook pages. Look in the back row to see a familiar, handsome face. USGA at BYU For this portfolio, I want to talk a little about Understanding Same Gender Attraction (USGA) at BYU and the resources available there. While the target demographic is focused a bit more on university students, the resources are great for both secondary students and their parents. First, though, I want to talk about how they helped me in high school. It was around that time that I was coming to understand my sexuality and that I was not straight. As someone whose identity up to that point was centered on their Mormon religion, this was pretty tricky. I went into high school right on the tail of the whole Prop 8 debacle and how involved the Church was in that and it just drove me further into the closet. During my research into how to not be gay or how to fake being straight, I came across a video created by a group of BYU students cal...