(Re)Imagined Classroom

1. Classroom images This image shows the desks arranged in groups. I want the focus of the student to be on each other and not me. (The class will still be didactic but I don't want to down-play my role as the teacher) By putting the desks in groups, the students will have to look at each other and it help in group work and discussions (image from here ). This image shows the teacher's desk at the back of the room. I want to arrange my classroom in such a way that I am not front and center. I want to be there to help facilitate discussion but I won't be up at the front lecturing all day. The "front" will be like the whiteboard/projector so when we do work as a class, they are focusing on what is going on, not me (image from here ). (I will be front and center, a clear authority figure). This image shows a bookcase with lots of different kinds of books. This is the bookcase I imagine in my classroom. Because I will teach English, I want t...